Forum TradePost 2024
The UPU will hold the second edition of the TradePost Forum on 13 September 2024, during the World Trade Organization (WTO) Public Forum.
The forum will demonstrate how the postal network, powered by digital technologies, can enhance inclusive economic growth and empower MSMEs and underrepresented segments of the population to participate in global trade. It will also address the key role of postal data in trade facilitation, focusing on the identification of areas for infrastructure upgrades and the development of innovative services.
13.30–14.45 Panel 1: Enhancing postal inclusion and connectivity: catalyzing e-commerce growth and trade facilitation.
For more information about the panel and speakers, visit the dedicated WTP Public forum page here.
This panel will encompass the critical role of postal services in bridging the digital divide, connecting remote communities and facilitating cross-border trade, particularly in e‑commerce. It will emphasize the postal sector’s ability to empower small businesses, women entrepreneurs and underserved populations to participate in the global digital economy.
- H.E. Ambassador Matthew Wilson, Permanent Representative of Barbados to the United Nations Office at Geneva
- Postal network expansion and infrastructure development: enhancing coverage and connectivity in rural and underserved areas to promote access to e-commerce and trade opportunities
Mr Siva Somasundram, Director of Policy, Regulation and Markets, Universal Postal Union
- Postal sector collaboration with Customs and trade facilitation bodies: fostering seamless integration and cooperation to streamline cross-border trade processes
Mr Philippe Isler, Director, Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation
- The postal sector’s role in fostering innovation and entrepreneurship: supporting the growth of small businesses and e-commerce entrepreneurs through postal services and infrastructure
Mr Ratnakar Adhikari, Executive Director, Enhanced Integrated Framework
- Bridging the gender gap in e-commerce entrepreneurship: empowering women through postal services
Ms Pauline Mutlen, Expert in economic policy management, Cameroon
15.15–16.15 Panel 2: Unlocking the power of postal data for trade facilitation.
For more information about the panel and speakers, visit the dedicated WTO Public Forum page here.
In today’s interconnected world, trade facilitation has become increasingly crucial in fostering economic growth and development. Postal organizations, with their extensive global networks and vast data repositories, play a pivotal role in facilitating cross-border trade. However, many postal operators are still underutilizing the immense potential of their data to streamline customs procedures, reduce documentary requirements and strengthen infrastructure. This session will empower postal operators, trade facilitation specialists and other stakeholders to harness the power of postal data, transforming it into a catalyst to streamline trade processes, enhance infrastructure and promote global commerce.
- Dr Matthias Helble, Senior Economist, Co-Chair, Research Department, World Health Organization
- The potential of postal data to improve trade facilitation, including customs clearance, supply chain management and risk assessment
Dr José Anson, Postal and Trade Economist, Universal Postal Union
- The WTO big data initiative
Ms Emmanuelle Ganne, Senior Analyst in the Economic Research and Statistics Division, World Trade Organization
- Presentation of the Key Trade Documents and Data Elements report
Ms Pamela Mar, Managing Director of the Digital Standards Initiative, International Chamber of Commerce
16.15–16.20 Closing remarks - TradePost Forum
16.20–16.30 TradePost Awards ceremony
- Remarks
Mr Masahiko Metoki, Director General, Universal Postal Union
The TradePost Awards ceremony will honour the winners and highlight their achievements. The shortlisted organizations will be present at the ceremony, along with the winners, members of the jury, sponsors, mentors and other high-level participants. Invited participants will include policymakers, development partners, industry leaders and other relevant stakeholders. The awards will be presented by the UPU Director General.
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