
UPU Strategy Summit 2023

The UPU will organize its 2023 Strategy Summit in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, on 4 and 5 October as part of the fourth Extraordinary Congress. Under the theme “People, purpose, progress – The next chapter for the postal sector”, the Summit will bring together ministers, CEOs and postal sector leaders to discuss the future of the postal sector. Outcomes from the discussion will help to guide the development of the Dubai Postal Strategy.


Du mercredi, 4 octobre au jeudi, 5 octobre 2023
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Day 1 – Wednesday, 4 October 2023


Opening ceremony


Welcome by Mr Masahiko Metoki, UPU Director General
Welcome by Mr. Saleh Bin Nasser Al Jasser, Minister of Transport and Logistics Services, Saudi Arabia

Moderator: Ms Femi Oke 

Panel 1: Strengthening the Foundation: A Single Postal Territory for Economic and Social Growth


The International Monetary Fund predicts that global economic growth will rise to 3.1% in 2024, showing signs of a world re-emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic. Reflecting this optimism, e-commerce is expected to grow from 3.3 trillion USD today to 5.4 trillion USD in 2026. In 2021 alone, more than 5,000 parcels were shipped every minute. At this juncture, the global postal sector is faced with unparalleled opportunities. By building on its traditional strengths, and acquiring new ones, the postal sector can emerge stronger, faster and nim­bler in the face of any challenge and be even more citizen-centric.

Panellists will set the scene by discussing the foundations of the postal sector: With its vast infrastructure, social mileage and delivery capabilities, how can the postal sector increase its relevance and continue to deliver value? What are the biggest issues for postal customers (be they ordinary citizens or businesses) when it comes to the core services of the sector and how can they be addressed? What possibilities exist for the diversified use of this infra­structure, including in meeting national social objectives for health, education and financial inclusion?

What role do data, emerging technologies (e.g. blockchain, AI, robotics) and innovative solutions (e.g. parcel lockers and the Internet of Things) play in improving the efficiency and citizen experience of the postal sector?

And finally, what more is needed of governments and regulators to provide an enabling environment for the postal sector to innovate and capitalize on these opportunities, and what is the role of the UPU in supporting this?


  • Dr Aminata Zerbo/Sabane, Minister of Digital Transition, Posts & Electronic Communications, Burkina Faso
  • Ms Rocío Bárcena Molina, Director General, Correos de México
  • ​​Mr Abdulla Mohammed Alashram, Group Chief Executive Officer, Emirates Post Group

Moderator: Mr Alex Taylor


Coffee break

Fireside chat


An informal, interactive and informed 1:1 discussion between the moderator and a visionary from the postal sector, offering useful insights to postal sector leaders as they deliberate the future of the sector and its role in solving larger challenges faced by governments and poli­cymakers.

Postal sector leaders will be able to send in questions using a digital tool, for an enriching and highly interactive experience.
Speaker: Mr Li Yu, CEO, International, SingPost
Moderator: Ms Femi Oke 


Statements by ministers

Day 2 – Thursday, 5 October 2023

Panel 2: Visualizing the Future: Co-Creating Value for Citizens, Businesses and Governments


The postal sector demonstrated its value by serving as critical infrastructure for governments to combat the COVID-19 crisis. By doing so, it highlighted the role of postal value co-creation, not just with its customers, but with a broader group of stakeholders across multiple sectors. Changing world events, some shaped by the pandemic, are leading to a starker delineation in the fabric of our society. Gen Z and the younger Gen Alpha, with an “always on” technology sub-culture, have become critical generation shapers. With rapidly evolving shifts in citizen behaviour, only time will tell how the citizens of the future influence our world’s socio-political and economic landscape.

Panellists will discuss ways in which the postal sector can proactively prepare for the future: What are the anticipated needs of the citizens of the future – both individuals and busi­nesses – and how can the postal sector fulfil them? What future possibilities do the tradi­tional strengths of the postal sector, namely, reach, trust and local knowledge, open? How can digital solutions and innovation enable even further transformation of the sector?

Furthermore, how can partnerships between postal sector stakeholders, as well as partner­ships with other sectors, drive postal sector relevance and growth? What should these part­nerships look like and how can they be supported by governments and regulators?

And finally, what is the role of the UPU in enabling such partnerships?

  • Ms Minette Libom Li Likeng, Minister of Posts and Telecommunications, Cameroon
  • Mr. Vineet Pandey, Secretary (Posts) and Chairman, Postal Services Board, India
  • Eng. Anef Bin Ahmed Abanomai, President and Chief Executive Officer, Saudi Post Corporation
  • Dr. Spyros Pantelis, Outgoing Chair, European Regulators Group for Postal Services and Vice President (Postal Services), Hellenic Telecommunications & Post Commission

Moderator: Mr Alex Taylor


Coffee break

Panel 3: Multi-Dimensional Change: Development, Diversity and Dynamism for a Sustainable Postal Sector


With more than 1 million vehicles and some 800,000 buildings, the postal sector has a sig­nificant environmental impact. It is, however, not lagging in its green commitments. The sec­tor has been making rapid strides in addressing its impact, for example, setting net-zero targets, decoupling speed of delivery from increases in emissions, transitioning to electric delivery fleets, and positively contributing to national aspirations towards multiple UN Sustainable Development Goals. For instance, the postal sector serves as critical infrastruc­ture for post-disaster recovery and plays a key role in providing postal financial services to refugees. However, governments and citizens alike are demanding greater transparency, accountability and action. In addition, as one of the largest employers in the world, the sector is accountable to and for its employees. Is the postal sector doing enough? Are there addi­tional tangible actions to be taken?

Panellists will identify the sector’s Sustainability To-Do List: How can sustainable develop­ment actions, such as those on gender, be integrated into everyday postal actions? How can the sector further foster economic and social sustainability? Furthermore, how can the sector contribute towards the global net-zero emission targets? Can the postal sector meet, and perhaps exceed, the Paris Agreement targets? How can diversified postal solutions support and further the sustainability sector? And finally, how can the UPU help bridge the gap between ideas and implementation at a global level?

  • Mr Marius Skuodis, Minister of Transport and Communications, Lithuania
  • Mr Nape Nnauye, Minister for Information, Communication and Information Technology, Tanzania
  • Dr Tobias Meyer, Chief Executive Officer, Deutsche Post AG / DHL Group
  • Cnel. (R) Rafael Navarrine, President, Correo Uruguayo

Moderator: Mr Alex Taylor

Closing ceremony


Closing remarks by Mr Marjan Osvald, UPU Deputy Director General


Launch of the “State of the Postal Sector Report” by Mr Marjan Osvald, UPU Deputy Director General

  • Remarks by Mr Masahiko Metoki, UPU Director General
  • Remarks by Mr Marjan Osvald, UPU Deputy Director General 


Postal Excellence Awards
Moderator: Mr Alex Taylor


Family photo session

Watch live on tv.upu.int.
For any questions, please contact strategy[@]upu.int.