UPU EAD Solutions

Explore the UPU's EAD solutions for enhancing international postal exchanges.

Training videos

The videos in this section present the range of services and technological solutions available.

01. The role of EAD in international exchange

Explore how the Global Postal Model (GPM) utilizes EAD to streamline international exchanges. This video delves into the transmission of customs declarations and the management of risk and taxes by customs authorities, illustrating the impact of EAD on logistical efficiency.

02. Increase EAD compliance and quality through the UPU Address Verification API

Learn how the POST*Code  API enhances address accuracy and facilitates electronic advanced data (EAD) exchanges in cross-border trade, reducing delays and logistical costs.


03. Implementation of the paper-free transport module - Part 1: introduction

Discover the importance of paper-free transport and its requirements in this first part of the module

04. Implementation of the paper-free transport module - Part 2: operational and messaging procedures

Learn about the essential operational and messaging procedures for efficient paper-free postal transport management.

05. Implementation of the paper-free transport module - Part 3: Process to make a paper-free route

Learn the detailed steps to transition a transport route to paper-free, ensuring smooth implementation and compliance for all parties involved.

Technical information

EAD configuration in IPS and CDS

Discover how to configure EAD in IPS and CDS in line with international regulations. Access guides, scripts, and technical support for optimal compliance.


Postal supply chain integration

Explore how EAD facilitates postal supply chain integration in line with the UPU Multilateral Data Sharing Agreement. Learn about collaborative efforts to enhance international postal services and streamline customs and security processes.

Highlights include:

  • EAD for aviation security: utilizing EAD for risk assessment and compliance with global standards.
  • GPM: facilitating efficient data exchange between postal operators and customs authorities.
  • Pre-Loading Advance Cargo Information: implementing systems for cargo security assessments.
  • Training and compliance: webinars for designated operators on EAD implementation and "Do Not Load" guidelines.

EAD customs declaration app

The customs declaration app is the simplest way to prepare customs declarations. Funded by the QSF Common Fund, it replaces the CN 22 and CN 23 paper forms, enabling the transmission of EAD for mail items directly to postal operators and Customs. The EAD is then used by customs authorities to expedite clearance in compliance with national legislation.

EAD transport app 

The EAD Transport App supports postal operators and carriers in efficiently managing postal receptacles throughout their transport journey. With real-time notifications, automated data exchange, and enhanced compliance with international transport standards, the app simplifies cross-border postal logistics.