Access the list
List of addresses
The list of addresses, heads and senior officials of postal entities (LAHSO) is designed for UPU member countries, restricted unions and staff of the UPU International Bureau. Access to the list is therefore given to those users and not to external stakeholders.
LAHSO application
The application was officially launched for use in November 2021. It is compatible with the Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox web browsers.
Users can access LAHSO through the account they use to log in to the UPU website. Special access rights have been given to authorized individuals to allow them to perform updates in addition to simply viewing the list.
For anyone who is not yet registered on the UPU website, a short guide on how to register for a UPU account (user name and password) is available at (a document summarizing the process is provided below).
The system relies on the assistance and engagement of the officially designated LAHSO contact points for each country, who are invited to make any necessary changes to the list directly in the application.
Individuals with access to the list can:
- View the contact lists for member countries, restricted unions and the International Bureau
- Access information pertaining to United Nations organizations, the permanent missions to the United Nations Office in Geneva, and the directory of the diplomatic and consular corps in Switzerland, through the links provided
- Export member country data
As of 11 November 2021, it is no longer possible to consult the previous version of the address list, and access rights for that list are no longer valid.
Contact points for the address list
Contact points and their deputies (maximum of two staff per authority) are responsible for collecting, within their respective authorities, any updates to be made (e.g. changes in addresses, persons responsible, contact details, etc.), inputting those changes in the provided interface, validating them, and ensuring that the published information remains up to date.
To designate or change their contact points, the authorities of UPU member countries are invited to download and complete the form provided below. This form is available in English and French only. Contact point forms, once duly completed and signed by the Head of International Relations or the Director/Secretary General of the authority concerned, are to be sent back to the International Bureau, preferably by e-mail ( A document containing practical information related to the designation of contact points is provided below.
Official notification concerning authorities and high-level positions
An official notification letter addressed to the Director General of the UPU International Bureau is required for any changes involving the name of the authority or high-level positions (including at the restricted union level). Such positions include the following: Minister, Deputy Minister, Secretary of State, Under-Secretary of State, Permanent Secretary/Secretary General, Deputy Permanent Secretary/Secretary General, Chair of the Regulatory Board, Chair of the Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer, Director General, Assistant Director General, and Deputy Director General.
The official notification letter must be sent by the contact point or by a senior official on the list of addresses of the authority in question. The letter must include the date(s) of the change(s) (election, appointment, etc.) and be sent to the following e-mail addresses: and
Without official notification, any such changes cannot be made in the system.
For further information on this letter and other information, please refer to the section "Practical information for downloading".
For any questions or issues:
– of a technical nature, requests should be sent to the support platform at (more information about this platform is available at
– concerning content and use, requests should be sent to
Practical information for downloading
LAHSO Letter23.11.2023
Practical information for use of the form to designate contact points and their deputies27.11.2023
Registration/creation of account on the UPU website27.11.2023