05. Implementation of the paper-free transport module - Part 3: Process to make a paper-free route

Learn the detailed steps to transition a transport route to paper-free, ensuring smooth implementation and compliance for all parties involved.


In this third part of the series on implementing the paper-free transport module, we provide a step-by-step guide for Posts and carriers to transition to paper-free transportation.

This video outlines the preparation, agreements, and processes necessary to ensure seamless implementation and operational success.

Time: 4:00 - Language: English - Subtitles: Multilingual

Further details

The transition to paper-free transport requires careful preparation and collaboration among Posts and carriers. 

This video begins by emphasizing the importance of evaluating readiness for the transition.
Key steps include reviewing guidelines, ensuring the proper transmission and compliance of EDI messages (such as PRECON, RESCON, CARDIT, and RESDIT), and confirming the interest of all involved parties.

Once readiness is established, the paper-free transportation checklist becomes essential.
This checklist ensures that all requirements and notifications are completed, preparing the way for the tripartite agreement between the origin Post, destination Post, and the carrier. This agreement formalizes the replacement of traditional delivery bills (e.g., CN38, CN41, CN47) with EDI messages, enhancing accuracy and efficiency.