PPSUG - Key documents

  • Multilateral agreement
    The multilateral agreement for electronic postal payment services governs the exchange of electronic postal payment services between its signatory parties (eliminating the need to negotiate bilateral agreements) and enables the execution of electronic postal payment orders in accordance with the Postal Payment Services Agreement and its Regulations.

    Designated operators may contact PPSUG@upu.int to request a Word version of the annex to the agreement if they wish to fill out the form electronically.
  • Quality of service standards
    The Postal Operations Council, the UPU International Bureau and the Postal Payment Services User Group have developed quality of service standards setting out the minimum service requirements and measurements for electronic postal payment orders, which are applicable to the entire WEPPN.
  • Operational guide
    The Postal Payment Services Operational Guide (PPS Operational Guide) serves as a tool to support designated operators in creating and initializing PPS, and as a reference document to help them improve/professionalize their PPS operations.
  • PPSUG Rules of Procedure
    Within the framework of its activities, the Postal Payment Services Users Group (PPSUG) functions under the auspices of, and reports to, the Postal Operations Council ensuring the governance, development and promotion of electronic postal payment services (PPS) under the PosTransfer brand, and of the UPU worldwide electronic postal payment services network as defined in these Rules of Procedure.