Examiner of financial disclosure statement


The UPU seeks to contract a provider of specialized examination services for financial disclosure and decla­ration statements for a maximum duration of four years (2022–2025).

 The financial disclosure and declaration of interest programme is aimed at protecting both the organization and its staff members. It provides a mechanism for detecting perceived, potential or actual conflicts of interest between a staff member’s responsibilities and his or her private financial interests and activities, as well as those of his or her spouse and dependent child(ren). It is intended to prevent, and where necessary remedy, potential conflicts of interest in order to strengthen the governance of the organization.

 The UPU financial disclosure programme is based on that of the UN. It was introduced at the UPU International Bureau in 2010 in accordance with a decision taken by the Council of Administration in 2009. By analogy with the policy and procedures of the UN in this area, the Director General of the UPU International Bureau has adopted a procedure governing the financial disclosure exercise for International Bureau staff members. Each year, roughly 50 International Bureau staff members are required to participate in the exercise. An annual report on the financial disclosure exercise must be submitted to the UPU Council of Administration.

 The financial disclosure programme is based on provisions of the regulations and rules concerning financial disclosure and declaration of interest statements and is the subject of an administrative instruction. Other rules and administrative instructions have been established for the purpose of managing UPU staff members’ con­flicts of interest. These include the Financial Regulations, Rules on Financial Administration, Standards of Conduct for the International Civil Service, the International Bureau Code of Conduct and the administrative instruction concerning the acceptance of favours and gifts. All relevant documents will be submitted to the Examiner.


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