Quality of Service Awards

Welcome address by UPU Director General Bishar A. Hussein, Berne, Switzerland, 12 February 2016

I am pleased to participate in this awards forum that has now become an annual event. I wish to thank the Board of Trustees of the Quality of Service Fund for introducing this recognition program for best performers in provision of quality service.

I also wish to congratulate all those who have been recognized for their outstanding quality of services delivery and, indeed, all designated operators who are in this program. I realize that overall there is great improvement in quality of services delivery even for those designated operators who have not been recognized to receive awards. This is because compliance with the QSF rules enhances better adherence to good service delivery practice. 

A recent survey has shown that through QSF, developing countries have increased the quality of service for their international postal network a great deal. More than 80 per cent of beneficiary countries reported to the survey to say QSF was key to increasing quality of service offered.

It is for this reason that I am delighted to note that member countries want the QSF and its Board of Trustees to continue and want the future model to be redesigned to expand the scope of the use of the Fund. 

Kindly join me in congratulating the countries that are receiving the awards today and the countries that could not attend the ceremony, such as Czech Republic, Maldives and Uzbekistan. I believe that this ceremony and the certificates will inspire other countries to aim for higher performance in the future.

Thank you everyone and I wish you success in your work.