Statement of UPU Director General Bishar A. Hussein during the Closing Ceremony of the 2018 UPU World CEO Forum

Thanks to our CEOs and all participants, we have opened our minds to look into the future of our business as a team. I am glad that what I have heard you say repeatedly here since yesterday is that we can do it. The post can do it. And, yes, I agree with you we can do it. We should do it without delay.

The Chairman and CEO of Turkish Post Mr. Kenan Bozgeyik,
Distinguished speakers,
Dear CEOs and participants,
Ladies and gentlemen,
I am delighted to address you at the close of what has been a very refreshing and lively event over the last two days.
Thanks to our CEOs and all participants, we have opened our minds to look into the future of our business as a team. I am glad that what I have heard you say repeatedly here since yesterday is that we can do it. The post can do it. And, yes, I agree with you we can do it. We should do it without delay.
The first panel told us that we should all move from the push mode of business to a pull environment, where the customer is the key determinant of our direction.
In this panel we were also told of many challenges that face the Post, especially in the developing world, where we lack basic infrastructure and investment. And even in the developed world, such as Japan, the economic environment of the country does not necessarily match the global trend because of factors like rising wages and low interest rates.
In Panel Two on "Global perspectives: Elusive growth despite improved environment", we were reminded that diversification of products that are powered by new technology and determined by customer needs is key. To remain relevant, however, the Post must address the needs of the society and even of the government.
In the third panel, which focused on "Getting the right balance: What would be the ideal postal portfolio today?", speakers told us that, apart from embracing technology and coming up with new products and services, the human touch is very important. Lets listen to our customers. The unique human touch of the post is an advantage that we can enhance to create even greater value for our business.
In the fourth panel on "Customer pressure: how to be the provider of fast, predictable and secure transactions to up the logistics supply chain", we saw that the Post suffers from the image of being unresponsive. This is historical burden that we carry with us. But we also carry the positive attribute of being trusted. We can use the latter to make our customers happy.
Panel five addressed "Redefining USO: Sharing the burden". All of us are burdened by our governments to provide services to all parts of our respective countries irrespective of the return in investment. This looks like a burden but it also gives us an opportunity to know more consumers than anyone else within the competition. Each of these people has something to offer to our business. We should take this unique opportunity to serve them in ways that would make money for us too.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have agreed that our big global network is an asset for us. How are we using this advantage to create a competitive edge for our businesses? Is there the possibility that we can pool ourselves together to project a formidable force that would be impossible to beat? Is this possible and if so, how can we go about it.
This has been a truly enriching discussion and I am very grateful to all of you for your thoughts, interactions and support to continue making this forum the premier postal summit that focuses on that what matters most: our businesses.
The UPU shall continue facilitating this forum for you to share your perspectives and experiences. It is you, the captains of the industry who will come up with solutions to make our industry a key player in the world economy.
Lastly, I wish to again thank Turkey for providing this magnificent atmosphere for our forum. Apart from the hard topics of discussions in the room, the Turkish Post has also given us an opportunity to socialize and make merry together.
Thank you very much Mr. Bozgeyik and your team.
Thank you all participants.
I wish you safe travels and good health until we meet again.