
Posts key to national development affirms UPU DG in meeting with Algerian PM

During a meeting with Algerian Prime Minister Ahmed Ouyahia in Algiers on April 11, UPU Director General Bishar A. Hussein reinforced the postal network’s position to drive national socio-economic development.

Mr. Hussein emphasized the important role the Post has played in societies throughout time. He affirmed the Post was in a prime position to continue facilitating citizens’ participation in all aspects of society as a universal service provider with access to the far reaches of the world and benefiting from the trust of citizens. However, he noted that Posts have faced many changes in recent times. The declining letters business has forced many Posts to reevaluate their business models. The Director General highlighted postal financial services, e-commerce platforms and the delivery of governmental services as three key opportunities that would help the Post not only ensure its sustainability, but also foster the inclusion of citizens. For his part, the Prime Minister reaffirmed Algeria’s support of the UPU’s work, in turn asking for the UPU’s support toward the development of postal financial services.


The UPU Director General and his deputy, Mr. Pascal Clivaz, were in Algeria this week for the 37th Pan African Postal Union (PAPU) Administrative Council session. PAPU is a restricted union of the UPU. Speaking at the meeting’s opening, Mr. Hussein remarked on its importance as a “window into the development of African posts and progress in implementing the Istanbul World Postal Strategy”. The meeting included a special forum for postal regulators focused on postal financial services. Addressing regulators in his keynote speech, the UPU Director General stressed the critical role regulators will play in managing competition, ensuring good business practices and enforcing quality of service as the Post expands its business into new streams such as financial services. “Given the direction of the postal business, which is increasingly being influenced by modern technologies, innovation and development of new products, the ideal future scenario would be one that has neither reserved services nor any defined protection from competition.”