
UPU urges ICT stakeholders to invest in postal connectivity

UPU Deputy Director General Pascal Clivaz has called on information and communication technology (ICT) stakeholders to accelerate their investments in modernizing postal infrastructure.

“When you buy or sell products online they need to be delivered physically and the Post is an important national infrastructure for integrating the digital and physical all around the world,” said Clivaz at the annual World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) forum. Speaking to forum participants in Geneva in early May, the deputy director general underlined that Posts could be leaders in granting e-commerce access to remote areas in developing countries. The deputy director general also elaborated on the UPU’s role as an ICT provider, highlighting the many technical solutions offered by the UPU's Postal Technology Centre. However, he noted that many Posts still face challenges connecting to ICT infrastructure that would allow them to make use of these solutions. “Without a viable postal network many outside urban areas would be excluded from the benefits of the Information Society. A strong and viable postal network is vital for economic development in all countries,” he remarked.

Sustainable development

This year’s forum focused on “Supporting the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”. The deputy director general explained how the postal network helps further the SDGs. Regarding SDG 17 - to strengthen and enhance the means of implementation and global partnership for sustainable development - Clivaz highlighted the UPU’s global indicator measuring e-commerce flows at the export level in developing countries and least developed countries. “This is the only e-commerce indicator that is under consideration to be part of the measuring and evaluation framework for SDG 17,” he explained. Given the postal network’s position to help implement these SDGs, Clivaz urged participants to help resolve the ICT challenges that prevent many Posts from successfully implementing e-commerce. “A modern Post will accelerate the realization of an inclusive, people oriented information society and help fulfil the promises of WSIS and the SDGs,” he concluded. The WSIS forum provides a platform for ICT stakeholders to exchange knowledge, share best practices and build partnerships to advance global development goals. It is organized annually by the International Telecommunication Union in partnership with several UN agencies, drawing in high-level decision makers from the public and private sectors.