Future postal strategy: member countries get their say

The round tables for consulting UPU member countries on the Union’s future road map are under way.

The first round table on UPU strategy took place in June in Saint Petersburg as part of the Pochtovaya Troika strategic forum, organized jointly with the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communication.

The next one will be held in Addis Ababa on 14 July 2011, during the Pan African Postal Union Council of Administration.

The round tables bring member countries together to evaluate the progress made in implementing projects under the existing postal strategy. Moreover, they integrate economic, political and cultural considerations in the development of projects to be carried out under the new strategy.

During these round tables, 400 participants from over 170 countries will discuss the four proposed objectives of the new strategy: enhanced interoperability of international postal networks, skills and expertise in the area of new technologies, promotion of innovative products and services through the three-dimensional network, and sustainable development of the sector.

"By consulting members on the strategy, region by region, the UPU is demonstrating its commitment to meeting their needs, regardless of the economic situation or environment influencing the sector’s development," said Pascal Clivaz, Director of Finance and Strategy at the UPU International Bureau.

Regional priorities

New in this series of round tables is the process of regional priority setting for the upcoming cycle. Projects are ranked by order of importance, based on the regional development plans, the work plans of restricted unions, the skills available and the guaranteed funding.

In Saint Petersburg, the priorities for the region included quality of service and the improvement of electronic payment services.

The Doha Postal Strategy – the UPU’s four-year road map – will be submitted to the Postal Operations Council and the Council of Administration in February 2012. It will then be presented for adoption by member countries at the September 2012 Congress in Doha, Qatar.
Six more round tables will be held around the world between now and mid-October:

•    14 July, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, with the Pan African Postal Union

•    27 July, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, with the Asian-Pacific Postal Union

•    5 to 9 September, Willemstad, Curaçao, with the Caribbean Postal Union

•    13 and 14 September, Doha, Qatar, for Arab countries

•    4 and 5 October, Santiago, Chile, with the Postal Union of the Americas, Spain and Portugal

•    12 and 13 October, Istanbul, Turkey, with the Association of European Public Postal Operators (PostEurop)