
Quality of service in Central Africa

The first workshop under the regional quality of service project was held in N’Djamena (Chad) from 17 to 21 May 2010.

This workshop aimed to assist Central African designated operators in improving the quality of their postal services. It was attended by quality of service experts from Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Rep., Chad, Congo (Rep.), Dem. Rep. of the Congo and Gabon.

The designated operators of participating countries took stock of their respective national situations and considered the performance indicators developed by the UPU, as well as their QSF projects and the benefits of the IPS/IPS Light mail management applications developed by the UPU’s Postal Technology Centre.

The UPU experts presented the emergency information system (EmIS), the role of TRAINPOST and its distance-learning platform, and the principles of incorporating a continuous testing matrix for the countries of Central Africa into the mail processing process.

Following the discussions and a visit to the N’Djamena sorting centre, the participants undertook to participate in the UPU continuous testing and in the end-to-end measurement system at the national level. Standardized barcodes should be introduced for parcels and EMS with a view to providing a tracking system and measuring quality via EDI messages