
Heads of Posts sign Seal the Deal banner

Postal leaders from France, Germany, Greece, Italy, India and the restricted union PostEurop joined UPU Director General Edouard Dayan today to sign their names on an eight-metre long “Seal the Deal” banner.

The UPU’s “Seal the Deal” banner will be sent to the UN conference on climate change in Copenhagen in December with a message to world leaders to conclude a fair and effective deal. The “Seal the Deal” campaign is a UN-led initiative to mobilize support for an agreement in Copenhagen. The UPU has created two banners and is inviting postal-sector representatives to sign their names to it to show their commitment to climate-change issues and Copenhagen, as well as to work together to find solutions to reduce carbon emissions. The UPU has collected data from some 100 Posts to produce the first global inventory of carbon emissions produced by Posts. Results will be presented around the Copenhagen conference, which the UN specialized agency for international postal services will attend as an official observer. For the next three days, the UPU is inviting Post-Expo attendees to come to its stand to sign the online “Seal the Deal” petition, and learn more about what the organization and the postal sector is doing in the area of environment protection and climate change.