The Universal Postal Union continued to emphasize Posts’ role in opening up international markets to micro-, small and medium-sized businesses during the World Trade Organization’s second global review of Aid for Trade, held this week in Geneva.
Ambassador Pedro Luiz Carneiro de Mendonça, Under-Secretary for Economic and Technological Affairs in the Ministry of External Relations, highlighted the achievements of the Exporta Fácil programme. The brainchild of the Brazilian Post, Exporta Fácil has enabled more than 10,000 local businesses since 2001 to export their products more easily with the Post’s help.
Other Latin American countries have also adopted the Exporta Fácil concept with great success. And the UPU is about to launch similar programmes in countries such as Thailand and Laos.
“According to our research, the results (of Exporta Fácil) have not been achieved by any other programme facilitating trade elsewhere in the world,” said UPU Director General Edouard Dayan. He added that the organization was counting on the assistance of other partners, including Posts, governments, regional organizations and customs, financing bodies and the WTO, to expand this type of programme to other regions.
“In times of crisis, any solutions that assist trade, export or the development of e-commerce, like those proposed by the UPU and the postal sector, should be supported and developed,” added Dayan.
Aid for Trade aims to expand the trade capacity of developing countries, with the help of WTO members and key international aid and development organizations. Delegates at this July session discussed progress made since the first meeting in November 2007.