Consultative Committee - Benefits and Fees

What are the benefits of a committee membership for CC members?

Effective collaboration between all stakeholders helps make the wider postal sector more resilient, sustainable, coordinated, relevant, inclusive, agile and responsive to new challenges and opportunities.

By working together, stakeholders can help to make the postal sector more resilient by identifying and addressing potential issues before they become problems. 

Collaboration can also help to make the sector more sustainable by promoting environmentally-friendly practices. 

Coordination among stakeholders can help ensure that the postal sector is responsive to new challenges and opportunities, and that resources are used efficiently. 

Through collaboration, the postal sector can be more inclusive by reaching out to under-served communities, and more agile by being able to adapt to changing circumstances.

By joining the UPU CC, members gain:

  • Better insight into and global overview of the current research, policy and regulatory work
  • Visibility and networking opportunities across the postal ecosystem
  • Opportunity to directly contribute to the UPU’s mission

Matchmaking Services for Individual Companies

As a member of the consultative committee, we can help you facilitate meetings between CC members and member countries (designated operators, regulators, and ministries in charge of post) you want to correspond with. 

Gold members are entitled to unlimited use of the Matchmaking service. 

Silver members are entitled to 5 successful matches, where the member country the wish to correspond with agrees to meet with them. They are subsequently invoiced 1000 CHF per successful match.

Bronze members will always be invoiced 1000 CHF per successful match.

Membership status and rights

Depending on the membership category, members gain different access to the UPU proceedings, events, documentation, and networks.

Interview of the CC Chair


Membership fees 

There are 4 types of membership of the Consultative Committee, with their own particular benefits and fees:

1. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)  wishing to apply for membership of the CC (specific membership benefits as presented in the scale of fees defined by the CC). The annual fee for NGOs is 5.000CHF.

2. Academia- Research institutions and Universities wishing to apply for CC membership  (specific membership benefits as presented in the scale of fees defined by the CC)

For Research Institutes, and Universities, there is an Academia membership available which is also 5.000 CHF annually. Academia membership types have the same entitlements as NGOs.

3. High-Level Figures wishing to apply for CC membership  (specific membership benefits as presented in the scale of fees defined by the CC).

There is also a membership option for High-Level Figures, who are the leading players in the wider postal sector. The annual membership fee for High-Level Figures is 5.000 CHF, and has the same entitlements as NGOs.

4. Individual companies wishing to apply for membership of the CC (specific membership benefits as presented in the scale of fees defined by the CC) in one of the following three categories: Gold, Silver or Bronze.

Please note that according to the Consultative Committee Rules of Procedure, art. 11, Financing of the Committee, members are obligated to pay annual membership fees.

The annual membership fee to be paid (calendar year): 

Gold Member

Silver Member

Bronze Member

20,000 CHF

15,000 CHF

10,000 CHF

The new members who join the UPU CC in the course of the year will receive an invoice for membership fee of the current year with the amount to be paid only for the months left before the end of the current year on a pro rata basis.

Rules of Procedure

In line with the Consultative Committee’s official Rules of Procedure, 

“Membership fees shall be due at the beginning of each calendar year. Members that have not paid the membership fee within three months from the date of the invoice may not participate in the meetings of the Committee and shall not be eligible to vote until their outstanding debts in arrears are settled in full. Moreover, members that have not paid their membership fees for two years shall be automatically excluded from the Committee.” 

 Article 4, Consultative Committee Rules of Procedure

Withdrawal from CC Membership

If you would like to withdraw your membership from the Consultative Committee, please contact the CC Secretariat at no later than 31 December of the year prior to the withdrawal year. Please send an official letter in the name of the UPU Director General signed by the CEO of your company, to Otherwise, your membership will be automatically renewed on 1 January and you will need to pay the invoice for CC membership in the beginning of the year.

Contact the Consultative Committee


Universal Postal Union
International Bureau
Consultative Committee
Weltpoststrasse 4
3015 BERNE