Overview of the Acts of the Union
The Constitution is the basic Act of the Union. It contains the organic rules of the Union and is not subject to reservations.
The Constitution currently includes eleven Additional Protocols.
General Regulations
The General Regulations embody those provisions which ensure the application of the Constitution and the working of the Union. They are binding on all member countries and are not subject to reservations.
The General Regulations currently include four Additional Protocols.
Universal Postal Convention
The Universal Postal Convention embodies the rules applicable throughout the international postal service and the provisions concerning the letter-post and postal parcels services. This Act is binding on all member countries. Member countries must ensure that their designated operators fulfil the obligations arising from the Universal Postal Convention.
The Convention currently includes one Additional Protocol.
Postal Payment Services Agreement
The Agreements of the Union, such as the Postal Payment Services Agreement, regulate the services other than those of the letter post and postal parcels between those member countries which are parties to them. They are binding on those member countries only. The countries parties to the Agreements of the Union must ensure that their designated operators fulfil the obligations arising from such Agreements.
The Postal Payment Services Agreement was adopted, in particular, in order to foster financial inclusion and implement a secure and accessible postal payment service adapted to the greatest number of users on the basis of systems enabling the interoperability of designated operators’ networks.
The Postal Payment Services Agreement currently includes one Additional Protocol.
Regulations to the Universal Postal Convention and to the Postal Payment Services Agreement
The Regulations to the Universal Postal Convention and to the Postal Payment Services Agreement, which contain the rules of application necessary for the implementation of the Universal Postal Convention and of the Postal Payment Services Agreement, are drawn up by the Postal Operations Council, bearing in mind the decisions taken by Congress.
The Regulations to the Universal Postal Convention are binding on all member countries. Member countries must ensure that their designated operators fulfil the obligations arising from these Regulations.
The Regulations to the Postal Payment Services (Postal Payment Services Regulations) are binding on countries which are parties to the Postal Payment Services Agreement. The countries parties to that Agreement must ensure that their designated operators fulfil the obligations arising from these Regulations.
Acts of the Union
The Constitution was adopted at the 1964 Vienna Congress. Eleven Additional Protocols to the Constitution were adopted at subsequent Congresses.
General Regulations
The General Regulations were adopted at the 2012 Doha Congress. Four Additional Protocols to the General Regulations were adopted at subsequent Congresses.
Universal Postal Convention and its Final Protocol
The Universal Postal Convention and its Final Protocol were adopted at the 2021 Abidjan Congress. One Additional Protocol to the Convention was adopted at subsequent Congresses.
Postal Payment Services Agreement and its Final Protocol
The Postal Payment Services Agreement and its Final Protocol were adopted at the 2021 Abidjan Congress. One Additional Protocol to the Postal Payment Services Agreement was adopted at subsequent Congresses.
Regulations to the Universal Postal Convention and to the Postal Payment Services Agreement
The Regulations to the Universal Postal Convention and to the Postal Payment Services Agreement, as well as their respective Final Protocols fully entered into force on 1 July 2022. These Acts were adopted by the Postal Operations Council at its 2021.2 plenary session (following the 2021 Abidjan Congress).
04.03.2025Regulations to the Universal Postal Convention and its Final Protocol – consolidated version as last amended at the 2024.2 session of the Postal Operations Council
19.09.2024Regulations to the Postal Payment Services Agreement and its Final Protocol – consolidated version as last amended at the 2024.1 session of the Postal Operations Council
01.11.2022Amendments to the Convention Regulations and Postal Payment Regulations approved at the 2022.1 session by the Postal Operations Council. The amendments enter into force on the dates indicated herein.
06.03.2023Amendments to the Convention Regulations approved at the 2022.2 session by the Postal Operations Council. All amendments enter into force on 1 March 2023.
19.09.2024Amendments to the Convention Regulations and Postal Payment Regulations approved at the 2023.1 session by the Postal Operations Council. The amendments enter into force on the dates indicated herein.
19.09.2024Amendments to the Convention Regulations and Postal Payment Regulations approved at the 2023.2 session by the Postal Operations Council. The amendments enter into force on the dates indicated herein.
19.09.2024Amendments to the Convention Regulations and Postal Payment Regulations approved at the 2024.1 session by the Postal Operations Council. The amendments enter into force on the dates indicated herein.
27.02.2025Amendments to the Convention Regulations approved at the 2024.2 session by the Postal Operations Council. The amendments enter into force on the dates indicated herein.
19.03.2025Amendments to the Convention Regulations approved at the 2025.1 session by the Postal Operations Council. The amendments enter into force on the dates indicated herein.
Manual in three volumes
These Manuals are currently under revision and will be published soon
19.07.2021Update: August 2018.
This publication includes the provisions of the UPU Constitution and General Regulations together with the amendments made by the 2016 Istanbul Congress. It provides a historical overview of the UPU, the list of UPU member countries, the Additional Protocols, etc. -
Convention Manual24.03.2025This manual includes the provisions of the Universal Postal Convention adopted by the 2021 Abidjan Congress and those of its Regulations adopted by the Postal Operations Council at its 2021.2 session and revised at the following sessions since 2021, as well as the commentary drafted by the International Bureau.
Postal Payment Services Manual28.05.2021Update 1: September 2018.
This manual includes the provisions of the Postal Payment Services Agreement as drawn up by the 2016 Istanbul Congress, those of its Regulations as revised by the Postal Operations Council in March 2017, and the commentary made by the International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union.
Acts and other decisions of the 2021 Abidjan and 2023 Riyadh Congresses
01.11.2022Part I – Eleventh Additional Protocol to the Constitution of the Universal Postal Union – Third Additional Protocol to the General Regulations of the Universal Postal Union – Universal Postal Convention – Final Protocol to the Universal Postal Convention – Postal Payment Services Agreement – Final Protocol to the Postal Payment Services Agreement – Declarations made on signature of the Acts – Rules of Procedure of Congresses – Decisions of the 2021 Abidjan Congress other than those amending the Acts
Part II – Constitution of the Universal Postal Union – General Regulations of the Universal Postal Union – Universal Postal Convention – Final Protocol to the Universal Postal Convention – Postal Payment Services Agreement – Final Protocol to the Postal Payment Services Agreement -
19.02.2025Part I – Fourth Additional Protocol to the General Regulations of the Universal Postal Union – First Additional Protocol to the Universal Postal Convention – First Additional Protocol to the Postal Payment Services Agreement – Declarations made on signature of the Acts – Rules of Procedure of Congresses – Decisions of the 2023 Abidjan Congress other than those amending the Acts
Part II – Constitution of the Universal Postal Union – General Regulations of the Universal Postal Union – Universal Postal Convention (including its Final Protocol) – Postal Payment Services Agreement (including its Final Protocol)
Acts and other decisions
of previous Congresses
Final texts of the Acts and of the decisions other than those amending the Acts.
Compendium of Congress decisions
05.12.2019The present Compendium was prepared in application of resolution C 1/Lausanne 1974, which instructed the Director General of the International Bureau to update the Compendium of Congress decisions after each Congress. The Compendium contains the Congress decisions other than those amending the Acts.
Countries' legal situation
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The Acts of the Union shall be ratified, accepted or approved as soon as possible by the signatory member countries, in accordance with their respective constitutional regulations. Furthermore, member countries may, at any time, accede to the Acts of the Union which they did not sign, in accordance with the relevant procedures set forth in the Rules of Procedure of Congresses.
In accordance with article 25 of the UPU Constitution, the instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval of an accession to the Acts of the Union shall be deposited as soon as possible with the Director General of the International Bureau.
Archives of Congresses