The UPU quality management certification system was developed in line with Beijing Congress resolution C 20/1999. It was launched worldwide in 2003 on the basis of a methodology and two questionnaires. The original goal was to raise designated operators' awareness of quality management issues in order to improve postal services. The methodology was revised in 2005, 2007, 2010, 2014, 2018 and 2023.
With traditional postal mail declining, e-commerce volumes on the rise, and heavy competition in the postal market, designated operators face new demands and need to achieve ever better performance. It therefore became essential to revise the UPU quality of service certification methodology, taking it from an initial phase aimed primarily at raising awareness to a more rigorous certification phase based on industry and market needs.
Aims of the new certification system
The principal aim of the certification methodology is to evaluate not only the extent to which quality management procedures are applied in postal enterprise structures, but also the way in which postal operations are organized and carried out, as this forms the basis for the ongoing improvement of the international postal network.
Designated operators that have an internal quality of service assurance system for cross-border mail products and services can request that their system be assessed by engaging in the UPU certification process.
UPU certification is a means of continuously improving quality of service, which allows designated operators to evaluate the effectiveness of their end-to-end quality system and operational processes as well as the management of their EDI messages and the reliability of their transportation and distribution networks.
Based on the satisfaction of end customers, this evaluation also examines the interface with internal customers (including the inquiry and complaints system and the involvement of staff), as well as with stakeholders such as airlines, Customs, and safety and security authorities.
UPU certification applies to operational and quality management for the international service (letter post and parcels). It aims to provide a level playing field for assessing designated operators, regardless of their level of development. The evaluation is based on questionnaire responses (including prerequisites), performance results and on-site audit.
Certification procedure
The certification procedure can be summarized as follows:
- Application – prerequisites and questionnaire: A designated operator wishing to be certified must first assess whether it fulfils all the prerequisites (indicated in the questionnaire). It must then send the International Bureau (IB) a request for certification, accompanied by a completed questionnaire and the required supporting documents (see POC C 2 2023.1–Doc 3c.Annex 2);
- Quality of service performance results: In addition to the responses provided via the questionnaire and in order to ascertain whether the designated operator is a viable candidate for certification, the IB will gather and review its annual performance results from various sources: IB reports, EDI messages, and performance measurement systems used by the UPU. This data will be summarized in a special document (“results sheet”) presenting the designated operator’s quality of service performance (see POC C 2 2023.1–Doc 3c.Annex 3);
- On-site audit: A consultant will be sent to the country to verify the information provided via the questionnaire and make any necessary corrections based on the data collected at all levels within the operator’s organization. The audit will include the designated operator’s international sorting centre(s), office(s) of exchange and other relevant facilities, and will be used to determine the extent to which the operational and quality management requirements are fulfilled. The audit findings are designed to assess the effectiveness of operational processes and quality management, and to identify opportunities for improvement.
On the basis of the consultant’s mission report, the responses to the questionnaire and the annual performance results, the IB determines the level of certification and notifies it to the designated operator and the consultant.
Certification levels
The new certification system has three levels: gold (level A), silver (level B) and bronze (level C), with a three-year period of validity to be confirmed each year based on actual performance (to ensure that the appropriate standards are maintained).
Certification is a way of continually improve quality of service, and can be communicated through the media to customers and the public, so as to raise awareness of designated operators’ efforts. The fact that a designated operator receives certification demonstrates that it has a good quality of service management system, and that it is capable of taking steps to improve its quality of service in both the short and long term.
Invitation to participate in the quality management certification of designated operators (circular letter 0620(DOP.QSC.QIP)1068 of 27 June 2023).
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In 2023, the Postal Operations Council adopted a new certification methodology, the main aim of which is to evaluate not only the extent to which quality management procedures are applied in postal enterprise structures, but also the way in which postal operations are organized and carried out, as this forms the basis for the ongoing improvement of the international postal network.
Application – prerequisites and questionnaire
Any question and applications may be sent to this email address:
A designated operator wishing to be certified must first assess whether it fulfils all the prerequisites indicated in the questionnaire. It must then send the International Bureau (IB) a request for certification, accompanied by a completed questionnaire and the required supporting documents (see POC C 2 2023.1–Doc 3c.Annex 2).
Quality of service performance results
In order to ascertain whether the designated operator is a viable candidate for certification, the IB will gather and review its annual performance results from various sources: IB reports, EDI messages, and performance measurement systems used by the UPU. This data will be summarized in a special document (“results sheet”) presenting the designated operator’s quality of service performance (see POC C 2 2023.1–Doc 3c.Annex 3).
The UPU International Bureau's Quality Improvement Programme is responsible for completing this questionnaire and sharing it with the designated operator concerned, along with the consultant carrying out the audit.
Certified designated operators
Historic list of UPU-certified designated operators since 2004 indicating the year of certification and the level achieved as of 29 November 2024.
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List of UPU-certified designated operators with certificates that are currently valid indicating the year of certification, the level achieved, the start and end dates of validity as of 29 November 2024.
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