20th Anniversary of the EMS Cooperative, March 2019

20th Anniversary of the EMS Cooperative, March 2019

Dr Liu Aili, Chairman of China Post Group,

Mr Akio Miyaji, Executive Manager for the International Business Division of Japan Post,

Mr Patrick Richon, Chair of the EMS Cooperative Board,

My dearest EMS Cooperative Colleagues,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Happy birthday to all of you, and my congratulations to the EMS Cooperative on its 20th anniversary.

I am proud to see so many familiar faces from the global EMS community, including both the Board and the hard-working staff members led by Jane Dyer.


I have always felt a deep and profound connection with EMS.

In the year EMS was conceived, I became the very first Postmaster General of the Postal Corporation of Kenya.

As I rose through the ranks, one of my most important roles was to lead EMS on behalf of Kenya. It was a thrilling position and I treasure the memories of those days.

Over the 20 years of its life, two key concepts have defined EMS: A clear commitment to speed and an enduring dedication to quality of service.

Today, the greatest tribute I can pay to EMS is that it remains a byword for excellence and quality across the international postal sector.

Just as importantly, it continues to add value for its members.

EMS Cooperative members generated EMS export growth of over 20% during the Doha business cycle and during the first two years of the Istanbul business cycle. EMS export volume is already trending 30% higher this cycle, compared with the first two years of the previous cycle. 

These figures are little less than extraordinary given the challenging economic climate for postal operators everywhere.

Your focus on delivering continuous improvement and positive change, especially for less developed Posts, is deeply appreciated. 

Today, the EMS global network has a large number of customer access points and delivers to every business and citizen with more than 200 operators worldwide.

Thanks to the EMS global network, small and medium enterprises have been able to expand globally and thrive, and consumers are able to purchase goods from all over the world with EMS speed and reliability.

Through their joint efforts, EMS Cooperative members have made formidable contributions to cross-border e-commerce and have helped to reposition Posts to realize their full potential in this area.


Today, we are celebrating your success and your achievements over the last 20 years.

However, I know that you are already working towards developing new initiatives for the next 20 years to ensure an even stronger Cooperative: An EMS Cooperative founded on innovation and growth, and devoted to meeting the changing needs of a dynamic international market.

Please know that the UPU will wholeheartedly support you on this journey and help ensure that the growth over the next 20 years is as exciting as the last two decades.

Once again, I wish EMS a happy anniversary. Be proud of your very real achievements, and we all look forward to working with you in the future. 

Thank you.