Argentina - "MiCorreo" Correo Argentino launched a new service to integrate the Post into online sales process of SME.
Costa Rica - "Pymexpress" - Correos de Costa Rica increased SME take up for new Pymexpress service during COVID-19 (news).
Digital Marketplaces
Vietnam - '''' is Vietnam's Post e-commerce platform that promotes and supports activities for farmers to open digital booths during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Costa Rica - "Correos de Costa Rica Catalog" is a platform with no cost for the SME, which integrates virtual stores that sell products through the Pymexpress service of Costa Rica.
Costa Rica - "Yalo" - Correos de Costa Rica marketplace platform for SME to sell online during COVID-19. (news)
France - "Ma Ville Mon Shopping" is a local marketplace - by buying from Ma Ville Mon Shopping, you promote the economic activity of your city and help maintain shops and jobs
Portugal "CTT Comércio Local" - The most effective way for Municipalities to keep local business running during COVID-19 (news)
Portugal "lojas online" - Enable SME to create own site (30 day subscription for free).
Portugal "dott" - Open space for SME in CTT Marketplace (30 day subscription for free).
Zimbabwe "Zimbabwemall" - Zimbabwe marketplace for local businesses to sell online. (news)
Burkina Faso - Fasoranana is a marketplace offering a virtual space for businesses and, in particular, craftspeople, to exhibit and sell their products (e.g. decorative, cosmetic, food, fashion and cultural items).
Côte d’Ivoire (Rep.) - Sanlishop is a marketplace operated by La Poste de Côte d'Ivoire, showcasing the products of Ivorian craftspeople who produce fashion and decorative items, fabrics, chocolate, and more. It also offers vendors the opportunity to sell their products online.
Mali -The e-shop platform run by Mali’s designated operator is currently in the pre-production phase.
Niger - Kaomini is the leading e-commerce platform in Niger. The products sold on Kaomini include handicrafts, consumer goods, groceries, clothing, electronics and electrical household goods, books and stationery, and takeaway food. Kaomini promotes items that are made in Niger by highlighting those produced by craftspeople.
Togo -The Assiyéyémé shopping website promotes Togolese handicrafts and offers a range of items, including philatelic, food, art, decorative and beauty products.