Posts must keep improving to make their services accessible to all citizens to open new vistas for a better world, according to Prime Minister Daniel Kablan Duncan of Côte d’Ivoire during the opening of the UPU's World Strategy Conference.
Technology should be used to create a forward-looking postal sector, Prime Minister Duncan added, while addressing international delegates at the Geneva International Conference Centre on Monday.
“Côte d’Ivoire wants to be one of the players for change,” Prime Minister Duncan said.
His country, the official conference chair, is opting to embrace rather than ignore the sweeping changes that technology has thrust upon the world. Prime Minister Duncan believes there are significant opportunities for postal operators in Côte d’Ivoire and beyond.
The revitalization of Côte d’Ivoire’s national postal operator is a key government objective after years of economic and political turmoil. In 2013, the country introduced a new postal code, replacing one from 1976 to ensure the provision of a universal postal service for all members of its population regardless of where they live. In 2014, the postal operator introduced a new international express service, POST’EXPRESS, for letters and parcels.
The Post will also benefit from an extensive fibre optic network that is currently being installed across the West African country, significantly boosting the population’s access to the Internet. Indeed, the government aims to carve out a role for the national postal operator in logistics in the e-commerce sector, according to Bruno Koné, Côte d’Ivoire’s Minister of Post, Information and Communication Technologies. He pointed out that while consumers can place orders via their computer, it’s not the computer who will actually deliver the item. This was one reason why postal operators have great prospects ahead, Koné told a press conference following the opening ceremony.
The UPU’s World Strategy Conference is taking place from April 13-14,