Backgrounders & Factsheets
Factsheet: The future of postal financial services
15.09.2023 — During the UPU's Fourth Extraordinary Congress in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, member countries will discuss a number of proposals directed at re-evaluating the UPU’s current postal financial services offering and role to ensure their alignment with the changing market reality. Learn more about the proposed changes in this factsheet.
Factsheet: Climate Action by the Postal Sector
14.09.2023 — During the UPU's Fourth Extraordinary Congress in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, member countries will discuss the adoption of an integrated "Green Package" for the postal sector, which calls for an ambitious sector-wide climate action, including through setting emissions reduction targets and the creation of the UPU Climate Facility. Learn more about the proposal in this factsheet.
Factsheet: Opening up
11.09.2023 — During the UPU's Fourth Extraordinary Congress in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, member countries will discuss a number of proposals directed at increasing engagement with wider postal sector players (WPSPs). Learn more about the proposed changes in this factsheet.

The COVID-19 crisis and the postal sector
03.06.2020 —
A new report by the Universal Postal Union (UPU), the UN specialized agency for postal matters, titled, “The COVID-19 crisis and the postal sector” shows postal volumes dropping by 21 percent in 2020. The steep decline is the largest seen by the UPU since it began recording exchanges of electronic data between its 192 member countries in 2010.
5 things to know about Option V
25.10.2019 — The Universal Postal Union’s third Extraordinary Congress gathered in Geneva 24-26 September 2019 to compromise on changes to the system used to compensate the delivery of inbound international bulky letters and small packets. On 25 September, they found consensus on a new system, known as “Option V”.

FAQ: Third Extraordinary Congress
23.09.2019 — The UPU may convene an Extraordinary Congress between regular quadrennial Congresses with the support of at least two-thirds of member countries.
FAQ: The Universal Postal Union
29.04.2019 — Established in 1874, with its headquarters in Berne, Switzerland, the Universal Postal Union is the world’s second oldest international organization. With 192 member countries, the UPU is the primary forum for postal cooperation between governments, Posts, regulators and many other postal sector stakeholders.